Breakthrough Research Published in
Clinical Rheumatology
“Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®), 500mg taken once daily, significantly reduced both joint pain and stiffness compared to placebo, both rapidly (10 days) and continuously (60 days).”
Effect of NEM® on Joint Stiffness
Supplementation with NEM® produced an average 13% reduction in joint stiffness versus placebo (P=0.024) with about one-fourth of these patients experiencing a more than 50% reduction in stiffness in just 10 days. Stiffness had improved by an average 27% versus placebo (P=0.005) by the end of the study with more than half of these patients experiencing greater than 50% reduction in stiffness by day 60. No side effects were reported by study participants.
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5 Reasons
why you must try JOINThealth
Here’s what you can expect from JOINThealth with NEM®
  • Fast, one bottle results! More than 50% of patients in two open-label clinical trials noticed an improvement after just seven days
  • NEM® (Natural Eggshell Membrane) is clinically proven to enhance comfort and flexibility
  • Replenishes joint and connective tissue nutrients naturally.
  • Promotes faster recovery from exercise and competition.
  • Helps maintain healthy muscles and joints.
Results of NEM® verified by a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial -the gold standard of scientific research.
Effect of NEM® on Joint Pain The study showed that supplementation with NEM® produced an average 16% reduction in pain versus placebo (P=0.036) with about one-third of these patients having greater than 30% reduction in pain in just 10 days. By the end of the 60-day trial, patients had main- tained an average 15% reduction in pain versus placebo (see graph, left) and nearly one-third of these patients reporte a 50% reduction in pain by the end of the study.
How JOINThealth with NEM® works
  1. Sooth & Support Joint Function
  2. JOINThealth delivers key ingredients that contains essential building blocks needed for fast joint repair and natural joint lubrication. Re-build vital joint tissue faster than ever with the powerful ingredient in JOINThealth.
  1. Reduce Painful Inflammation
  2. JOINThealth quickly suppresses the inflammatory culprits linked to joint deterioration and joint pain. Reduced inflammation typically results in reduced pain and more comfortable physical activity.
  1. JOINThealth Protects the Joints
  2. By increasing antioxidant defenses and by deploying essential tissue building blocks and lubrication, joint deterioration and stress is greatly reduced along with pain and inflammation so you can get back to enjoying life.
Clinical Trial Published Date May 2009
Background: Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®) is a dietary supplement that contains naturally occurring glycosaminoglycans and proteins essential for maintaining healthy joint and connective tissues. Two single center, open-label human clinical studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of NEM® as a treatment for pain and inflexibility.
Results: Single-arm trial: Supplementation with NEM® produced a significant treatment response at seven days for flexibility (27.8% increase; P = 0.038) and at 30 days for general pain (72.5% reduction; P = 0.007), flexibility (43.7% increase; P = 0.006), and ROM-associated pain (75.9% reduction; P = 0.021).Double-arm trial: Supplementation with NEM® produced a significant treatment response for pain at seven days for both treatment arms (X: 18.4% reduction; P = 0.021. Y: 31.3% reduction; P = 0.014). There was no clinically meaningful difference between treatment arms at seven days, so the Y arm crossed over to the X formulation for the remainder of the study. The significant treatment response continued through 30 days for pain (30.2% reduction; P = 0.0001). There were no adverse events reported during either study and the treatment was reported to be well tolerated by study participants.
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